How Many Businesses Are Owned By Women In The UK?

How Many Businesses Are Owned By Women In The UK?

As a female business owner, it's really important to me, that I support other females in the same position. Therefore, when a product isn't handmade or designed by us and whenever possible, we source our products from other female owned or female led businesses. 

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But why is this so important to us?

In 2022, according to data from the Governments annual Small Business Survey, it was found that only 18% of UK's small and medium sized businesses were led by women. [ ]

In 2023, according to new Simply Business Data, it was found that less than a third of UK small business were owned by women. ]

That is a ridiculously small percentage of businesses owned by women!

Why are the numbers so low?

Simply Business ran a survey in 2023 around the reasons as to why so few businesses are women owned or women led and the main issue that arose was gender bias. 81% of the respondents said they experienced sexism, gender inequality or unequal opportunities while running their own businesses. 39% stated that investors, colleagues and customers make quick assumptions about them or underestimate them compared to men in a similar position. 28% stated that they are not heard enough compared to men or taken as seriously as men when pitching their product or business. Lastly, 28% believe that they are not given the same opportunities as men, as a result of having children. []

How can we help to change this?

A huge portion of what needs to change, should be down to the government. But you can help too.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Share Their Story - In a male dominated workplace, it can be hard to be heard. When you share and promote the success's and challenges of women entrepreneurs, you help to promote their business while inspiring other women to do the same. 
  • Connect Them With Other Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders - It is important to connect as a way to learn from others in our field. Introduce fellow female entrepreneurs to one another or invite them to networking events or online forums. You never know how invaluable that connection may be. 
  • Promote Their Services or Products On Social Media - Liking and commenting on posts is a huge help as is sharing their content. This will help more people see the amazing work that your fellow female entrepreneurs are doing. 

    These are just a few ideas on how to help female owned or female led businesses grow. I would love to hear your own thoughts or ideas on this topic too.

    Don't forget to like, comment and share. As mentioned above...this helps a small business to grow into something big.

    Much Love








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